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What are the two cases of tool failure for customized Drum chipper?

Industry news
The customized Drum chipper tool is damaged due to some factors, or the damage accumulates to a certain degree, which causes the special-shaped knife mold to be damaged and cannot be continuously used.

The customized Drum chipper tool is damaged due to some factors, or the damage accumulates to a certain degree, which causes the special-shaped knife mold to be damaged and cannot be continuously used. In production, when the main working parts of the special-shaped knife die are damaged, and the qualified workpiece cannot be continuously punched out, it means that the special-shaped knife die fails.

The failure of a customized Drum chipper tool can be roughly divided into two categories according to the time of occurrence: normal failure and early failure. After a lot of production and application of customized Drum chipper tools, due to conflicts, they naturally wear out or slowly undergo plastic deformation and fatigue cracks. After reaching the normal service life, the failure is attributed to the normal radial direction, which is a normal failure.
The other is the failure to reach the time limit specified in the planning and use, and early damage such as chipping, chipping, breaking, etc.; or the failure of continuous service due to severe partial wear and plastic deformation, which is an early failure. For the failed customized Drum chipper tool, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence and try to adopt a remedy method. As long as you understand the failure mode accurately, you can pay attention to some matters in that area in future use, and it will be very effective.
In summary, there are two situations in which the customized Drum chipper tool fails. You can learn more from the above introduction.