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The scope of use of customized Intelligent pellet mill

Industry news
The customized Intelligent pellet mill is a kind of rocking action using a rotating drum. The wet powder material can be ground into pellets through an iron wire screen, and it can also be widely used to crush the pellets into ready-made pellets.

How much do you know about the scope of use of customized Intelligent pellet mill? Let's take a look at it briefly!
1. The customized Intelligent pellet mill is a kind of swinging effect using a rotating drum. The wet powder material can be ground into pellets through a wire screen, and it can also be widely used to crush the pellets into ready-made pellets.

2. In the aspect of chemicals, the powder used for wet-bonding is ground into granules. After drying, it is used to compress tablets. It can also crush the blocks that agglomerated during storage or agglomerated during chemical processing. In industry, it is used to process candy and sugar mixture and malt milk and other products. In other industries, such as ceramics, plastics and other mixtures become shaped particles.
3. It is not suitable for semi-solid, fluid, slurry or abrasive use.
To sum up, it is a brief introduction to the scope of use of the customized Intelligent pellet mill.